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School Closure due to Adverse Conditions

As a parent/carer, can I decide not to send my pupil to school during periods of snow?

We will continue to do all that is possible to remain open and ensure the school site is safe.

If parent/carers are worried, they can phone the school, but please be advised, the school cannot know the snow conditions in every local area.

What if taxis don’t turn up?

If individual taxi drivers refuse to collect children it then becomes a decision for parent/carers whether to bring children to and from school themselves if they wish. No one will make criticism for any decision you determine. See the school transport page on the left for details of Cambridgeshire's transport team.

What if I want to bring my children into school myself?

For some  pupils, our parent/carers have decided to use their own transport to bring children to and from school. This decision is open to parent/carers.

How do we decide whether to close or remain open?

We continue to carefully watch the weather and road conditions.

If the roads become dangerous the police will send an alert to the public and that would include the Local Authority and school.

How will you be informed?


We do not take the decision to close our doors lightly and have many factors to consider before doing so. Many of our children and staff are not from the local area and have long journeys between home and school on roads which may be difficult to pass.  We also need to be confident that they can be kept warm when they are on site.  In the event of us taking the decision to close our doors due to extreme weather conditions, we will post a notice on this website and contact Local Authority SEND Transport service

You can also tune into local radio stations to find out if the school is closed:

  • BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
  • HCR Radio

If there is an emergency during the school day, we shall use the emergency contact numbers.