Paren/Carer Events Spring 25

Parent/Carer Events Spring 25
06/01 Spring Term Opens
08/01 Coffee Morning for Parents/Carers Interested in Forming PTA
22/01 Parent/Carer Coffee Morning
11/02 Safer Internet Day
Half Term – 17th February to 21st February
24/02 Staff Training Day
25/02 Pupils Back To School
07/03 World Book Day
13/03 Parent/Carer Makaton Workshop
14/03 Red Nose Day
19/03 Parent/Carer Coffee Morning
20/03 Easter Enterprise Community Stall
21/03 World Down Syndrome Day
25/03 Parents Evening
31/03 Autism Acceptance Week
04/04 Parent/Carer Engagement Afternoon
Easter Break – 7th April to 21st April